How Physical Activity Benefits Us as We Age
Here are some incredible advantages of working out in your ‘40s:

Regardless of how old you are, physical activity helps strengthens our muscles and our cardiovascular system. Working out and staying active supports our immune system and reduces the risk of high blood pressure, because the stronger our hearts are, the easier it can pump blood. Men and women in their early to mid-’40s will reap the benefits of working out including improvements to their mental & physical state.
Improved Cardio
Your cardiovascular system is directly responsible for your stamina, your breathing and your blood pressure. The best thing about cardio is that any small or large activities contribute to strengthening your body; simple household chores such as mowing the grass, walking up and down your stairs to the laundry room, and cooking meals add to your cardio. Participating in fun activities such as playing in recreational sports leagues, taking your dog for a walk, and swimming provides your body with energy that you need to keep your heart & lungs strong.
Helps Strengthen Your Brain
Physical exercise is critically important for the physical health of our brains. Our brains need a steady flow of oxygen which is transferred through blood; engaging in physical activity promotes that healthy lifestyle. When you participate in physical exercise, you are regulating your blood pressure and reducing the possibility of blood clots forming in your arteries.
Improves Your Mood
Working out does wonders for our mental health! As humans, we were meant to move, and we were meant to push our bodies to different limits; it’s what helps us feel alive — working out releases endorphins in our brains which are directly responsible for our positive moods. Stress can occur at any time in life and working out your body with cardiovascular and resistance training helps create a feeling of ambition and self-confidence. Working out in group classes or with a personal trainer can teach you exercise routines that will keep your body & mind happy and motivated.
Sleep Is Improved
A good night’s sleep can be hard to achieve at any point in our life. Physical exercise changes the temperature of our bodies, and while we are in mid-workout, the temperature of our body increases and then decreases post-workout. This change in temperature can induce drowsiness and tired eyes. Getting around 8 hours of sleep per night is imperative for anyone that wishes to live a healthy lifestyle as it also helps to promote an active metabolism.
Everyone finds enjoyment in their form of physical exercise; you need to find one that works for you. Going for bike rides, midday strolls. Or putting in work at the gym are all beneficial for adults. At Sanderson Ridge, physical activity has never been more accessible! You can decide one day to go bowling and the next day take up a woodworking class or attend the gardening club; it doesn’t matter if you stay active!