5 Ways to Welcome A New Neighbour To the Community
Initiate, help, host and more!

Entering a new chapter of your life can be intimidating; a brand-new home, brand new neighbours and a brand-new lifestyle can be overwhelming to some. Therefore, it is important to be a good neighbour and be as kind, caring, and supportive as possible to ensure the move goes smoothly and that they feel comfortable in their new situation. Here are five ways you can welcome new neighbours to the community:
Initiate A Conversation
Moving into a new place is a time-consuming process, so give your neighbours time to move all their belongings in and allow them the time to relax before you show up at their door. A few days after they’ve moved in, introduce yourself as their new neighbour. If you do not know what to say, let them know if they need anything that you’ll be available to help!
Food baskets are a traditional gift for people to purchase for their new neighbours. Fruit baskets are a nice gesture, as are baskets filled with baked goods such as cookies, muffins and brownies. Edible arrangements are also typically inexpensive and very thoughtful. It is wise to be conscientious about food allergies which can include nut allergies, gluten allergies, and lactose intolerance. If you want to stay on the safe side, perhaps offer them a gift basket with vouchers to local restaurants and flowers.
Offer a Helping Hand
Finding people willing to help you move is a struggle; in fact, some people will go out of their way to ensure they are busy to prevent having to assist in the moving process. A wonderful gesture that is bound to create an immediate bond would be offering to help them move-in. Heavy furniture and appliances such as stoves, fridges, couches and chairs can be a hassle especially if your new neighbour has a small moving team. If you offer your assistance you will not only help your neighbour feel welcome, but you’ll feel good about your contribution.
Host A Dinner
After your neighbours have settled into their new home, a great gesture to make as a new neighbour is to host a dinner party. Dinner parties are an excellent chance not just to introduce yourself, but to get to know your neighbours better. Perhaps invite 5 or 6 other neighbours to the dinner party, so your new neighbour can meet a wide variety of different people. On the flip side, it doesn’t even need to be a formal dinner; you could have people over to watch a new TV show episode or to watch the big game!
Appreciate Their Privacy
Sometimes your neighbour won’t have an extroverted personality, and they may be reluctant to have conversations or attend parties. Therefore, be kind, don’t be afraid to smile at them as you pass each other in the community, and be courteous and receptive if they are need of help.